სასამართლო რეფორმატორთა საერთაშორისო ქსელი (INJR) არის სასამართლო რეფორმაზე მომუშავე ექსპერტების და ორგანიზაციების ნებაყოფლობითი გაერთიანება. INJR აერთიანებს 18 ქვეყნის 50-ზე მეტ პროფესიონალს. ქსელის მიზანია ინფორმაციისა და ცოდნის გაცვლა სხვადასხვა ქვეყნის სასამართლო სისტემების და განხორციელებული რეფორმების შესახებ, ასევე მონაცემთა საერთო ბაზის შექმნა. ქსელი ახორციელებს ადვოკატირებას მართლმსაჯულების სფეროში უნივერსალური და რეგიონალური სტანდარტების დამდგენ ევროპულ და სხვა საერთაშორისო ორგანიზაციებთან.
Prof. (Dr.) Purvi Pokhariyal is the Campus Director at the National Forensic Science University of the gandhinagar Campus. Prof. Pokhariyal is the Director of the Academics, Research and Consultancy at the National Forensic Sciences University, Gandhinagar. She is also founding Dean of the School of Law, Forensic Justice and Policy Studies and the Dean of the School of Forensic Psychology at the National Forensic Sciences University, Gandhinagar.
Prof. Pokhariyal has more than 25 years academic and industry experience in the field of law and justice administration. She specializes in the area of Criminal Justice Studies and Justice Education. Prof. Pokhariyal holds a Master's degree in law with specialization in Criminal Law and a Doctoral degree in the Constitutional Law from Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Vadodara. Prof. Pokhariyal has been a consultant and a resource person on various aspects of Legal studies for the government as well as non-government organizations. She has been conferred with the distinction of being the first ever female chairperson of the Indian Society of Criminology. Prof. Pokhariyal was conferred with Senior Social Scientist Award by the Indian Society of Criminology for her significant contribution to the field of Criminology. She was also selected for best Law Professor Award by the Business School Affairs & Dewang Mehta National Education Awards. Prof. Pokhariyal is a visiting faculty at HOF University, Germany and a resource person at various training programs, workshops and National and international conferences. She has been actively engaged in the institution building and clinical legal education process. Her recent areas of interests are Higher Education, Artificial Intelligance and Law, Technology law, Cyber Crime Investigation and Constitutional Law. Prof. Pokhariyal has several research papers published to her credit and has presented more than 50 papers in various National and International Conferences. She has authored a book on Artificial Intelligence and Law. Prof. Pokhariyal has also been the editor of many academic law journals. She has also conducted various FDPs for Law teachers on Innovative pedagogy for law teaching, Outcome Based Education for law Schools, Clinical Legal Education, Justice Education etc. Prof. Pokhariyal has also conducted several training programs for law enforcement agencies, public prosecutors, and police agencies. She is also associated with State Judicial Academy and Police Academy as a resource person.