სასამართლო რეფორმატორთა საერთაშორისო ქსელი (INJR) არის სასამართლო რეფორმაზე მომუშავე ექსპერტების და ორგანიზაციების ნებაყოფლობითი გაერთიანება. INJR აერთიანებს 18 ქვეყნის 50-ზე მეტ პროფესიონალს. ქსელის მიზანია ინფორმაციისა და ცოდნის გაცვლა სხვადასხვა ქვეყნის სასამართლო სისტემების და განხორციელებული რეფორმების შესახებ, ასევე მონაცემთა საერთო ბაზის შექმნა. ქსელი ახორციელებს ადვოკატირებას მართლმსაჯულების სფეროში უნივერსალური და რეგიონალური სტანდარტების დამდგენ ევროპულ და სხვა საერთაშორისო ორგანიზაციებთან.
North Macedonia
Judge in the Primary court Shtip, R.of North Macedonia. He graduated at Faculty of Law on University ,,St.Cyril and Methodius,, in Skopje. Shortly after graduating the Academy for judges and prosecutors in 2010, he was appointed as judge and served in the Criminal cases department ever since. In 2019 he was appointed president of the Primary court Shtip.
An active member of the Association of Judges of R.of North Macedonia and since 2020 a member of the Management board of the Association. Participant in many committees and project groups of the AJNM, he is one of the founding members of the Judicial-Media Council of the Association, est. in 2018. He is a co-author of the Guide to judicial transparency, published by the JMC. He is a delegate of the AJRNM to the International association of judges (IAJ) and to the European association of judges (EAJ), also member of working groups of EAJ (since 2021).
He is a member of the Multi-sector team of the Municipality of Shtip for prevention and protection from domestic violence, where representatives of the key institutions and NGO’s collaborate to prevent and institutionally resolve domestic violence and help victims.
Judge Andonov is a trainer at the continuous training program in the Academy for judges and prosecutors, and collaborates as expert in many projects and working groups with relevant domestic and foreign NGO’s and organizations, as well with the Ministry of Justice. Also, he lectures on the Law faculty at the University ,,Goce Delchev,, in Shtip. He is a OSCE certified trainer on Hate crimes courses for judges since 2022..
A member of the Judicial Network Core Group of The CEELI Institute of Prague since 2020, works alongside judges from Central and East Europe on various projects. He is a co-author of the Guidelines for Remote Judging of the Institute and expert-contributor to the Manual on independence, impartiality and integrity of justice of CEELI.