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იხილეთ დისკუსიები.

იხილეთ დისკუსიების დოკუმენტები.

ქსელის წევრები

სახელი გვარი

Jim Alfini

South Texas, USA

Dean and Professor Emeritus at South Texas College of Law Houston where he taught constitutional law, mediation theory and practice, professional responsibility, and related courses. He is also Professor Emeritus at Northern Illinois University College of Law, where he was Dean from 1991 – 1997, and previously was a member of the law faculty at Florida State University, where he also served as Director of Education and Research for the Florida Dispute Resolution Center.  He has served as Chair of the American Bar Association Dispute Resolution Section and Chair of the Association of American Law Schools Alternative Dispute Resolution Section. His publications in the ADR field include the co-authored Mediation Theory and Practice, a law school textbook published by Lexis Law Publishing.  He serves as a delegate from the Dispute Resolution Section to the House of Delegates of the American Bar Association. His publications in the judicial ethics field include the co-authored Judicial Conduct and Ethics, currently in its sixth edition. He served as a member of the ABA commission that drafted the current (2007) Model Code of Judicial Conduct.  He received his undergraduate degree from Columbia University and his J.D. from Northwestern University.