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ქსელის წევრები

სახელი გვარი

Peter Čuroš


Postdoctoral Fellow at the Department of Private Law at the University of Oslo. From 2016-2019, he was an Assistant Professor at the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Law, where he presented his dissertation thesis on Right to Disobey: Civil Disobedience. As a visiting scholar, he spent August 2015- May 2016 under the supervision of Vincent Bradford Professor of Law James Moliterno at the Washington and Lee University School of Law, with the research areas of Professional Ethics, Professional Responsibility, Law and Morality, and Civil Disobedience. He has published several articles on legal ideology, the judiciary in CEE, lawyers, and judicial ethics. Furthermore, he was a visiting scholar at the International Institute of the Sociology of Law between November 2021-May 2022. In the past, he also worked on research projects where he focused on ethical aspects of cybersecurity, personal data protection, and a data-friendly environment in health care. Continually. he leads workshops for the Judicial Academy of the Slovak Republic and the Slovak Bar of Enforcement Agents on professional ethics for legal professions in Slovakia. Furthermore, he collaborated on the reform of the selection of the judges of the Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic. Recently he has been engaged in the project Judges under Stress: the Breaking Point of the Judicial Institutions, where he focuses on the Czech Republic and Slovakia and researches the core concepts of the judicial profession. He works with approaches of critical legal studies, legal sociology, and legal history,  
His most recent works are the Special Issue "Judges under Stress" in German Law Journal, published by Cambridge University Press, where he has been a guest editor. He has also published papers in the issue "Recent Attacks on Judicial Independence: The Vulgar, the Systemic, and the Insidious" (Moliterno, Curos), "Panopticon of the Slovak Judiciary – Continuity of Power Centers and Mental Dependence" (Curos), "Understanding Continuity and Discontinuity of Judicial Institutions of the CEE Countries" (Graver, Curos), a chapter "Using Institutional Theory in Legal Education" (Curos) in the book Thinking About Clinical Legal Education, Philosophical and Theoretical Perspectives, published by Routledge, "On the Missing Discourse Concerning Legal Professions" (Curos) in Pravny obzor and "Independence Without Accountability: The Harmful Consequences of EU Policy Toward Central and Eastern European Entrants" (Moliterno, Berdisova, Curos, Mazur) in Fordham International Law Review. His current activities include papers focused on various interferences into judiciaries - "Attack or Reform - Systemic Interventions in the Judiciary in Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia" in Onati Socio-legal Series, and research on lawyers’ ideology in "Educating Towards Subjects Instead Of Objects" for the book Biopolitics in Legal Education (Routledge, Giddens, Siliquini, eds.).